Recognizing the Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer: A Guide to Early Detection and Treatment

2 minute read

By Brian B.

Prostate cancer can be a serious and potentially life-threatening disease, but early detection and treatment can lead to better outcomes. Learn more about this common cancer, so you can recognize the warning signs.

What Are the First Signs of Prostate Cancer?

Unfortunately, sometimes prostate cancer doesn’t present any symptoms in the early stages, or the symptoms are subtle. This can make it hard to detect, which is why regular screening is so important. That said, there are symptoms to be on the lookout for.

Some of the first signs of prostate cancer include difficulty urinating, frequent urination, or a weak urine stream.1 Men may also experience pain or discomfort during urination, ejaculation, or bowel movements. Researching all the potential warning signs can help determine which symptoms are affecting you.

Early Detection: How to Screen for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is typically detected through a combination of screening tools, such as a digital rectal exam (DRE) and a blood test to measure prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels.2 Men should start screening at different ages depending on their risk. Researching this information and consulting with a doctor can help determine when you should start screening for prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Prostate cancer treatment options vary depending on the stage and severity of the cancer, as well as the individual needs and preferences of the patient. That said, some common treatment options for prostate cancer include active surveillance, surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy.3

There are also new breakthrough treatments, such as Xtandi and Nubeqa, that offer advanced prostate cancer patients hope. Exploring all treatment options and working with your medical team can help determine the best treatment strategy for your case.

Learn More About Prostate Cancer Today

Prostate cancer is a significant health issue that affects men, but staying informed can make a difference. Familiarize yourself with the common warning signs, available screening methods, and treatment approaches to empower yourself. It’s also crucial to have open discussions with your doctor about your risk factors and potential preventive measures.

Brian B.
